How to make $400 Pottery Barn-inspired wall art at home on a budget
As I am currently doing a huge bedroom makeover for 2022, I’ve been searching for some neutral wall decor. I found a beautiful floral piece at Pottery Barn that retails for $399. After taking a look at this piece, I figured I can try to make it myself on a budget, so that’s what I did!
The Original Piece From Pottery Barn
Time To Complete Project
Give yourself at least two days if you plan to make two of these pieces. You may be able to complete one frame in one day if you give yourself a full day to work on it. Since you are working with paint, you have to factor in time for the frames and florals to dry. I let the paint dry overnight when I created these.
Materials Needed
- Large Shadowbox Frame (2-3 ft. x 2-3 ft. square) (I purchased clearance artwork from Home Goods and repurposed the 23″ square shadowbox frame and artwork it originally came with.
- Note: I painted over the original artwork – if you are purchasing a plan shadowbox frame, then you will need a plain poster board or canvas to use as your base for the floral artwork, and then you will place this art into the frame once completed)

- White Paint (I used Behr wall paint/primer on the frame and florals, but you can purchase white floral paint or acrylic paint)
- Optional: White Spray Paint (I used spray paint to prime my frame and then painted over that with Behr wall paint, but you can just use one or the other for the frame)
- Paint Brushes (I recommend a traditional angled paint brush, plus a small craft paint brush)
- Glue Gun
- Scissors (to trim flowers if needed)
- Dried Flowers (linked below are the ones I used)
- Dried Happy Flower Bundle (sale – $4.99)
- Dried White Button Flower Bundle (sale – $3.99)
- Natural Flax Bundle (sale – $6.49)
- Stardust Mini Gypsophilia Bundle (sale: – $7.49)
I spent around $60 on supplies to make two of these botanical wall art frames. I saved money on paint since I already had it on hand. I found the shadowbox frames at Home Goods for $15 each which is a bargain considering how expensive shadowbox frames can be new!